Submission till 31 Dec 2022
The project has to be in one of the focus areas:
Upload a project document and a demo video
Project Document:
It should have the following sections
Title: Please provide a title for your project. Provide a few words either describing your project or naming it (ex. providing the name of the app you created) 50 words max
Description: Describe the project and its functionality? - 250 words max.
Detail why this project is helpful to the community or the environment - 250 words max.
Implementation / Methods: How did you create the project? What tools did you use? What was your implementation workflow? - 500 words max.
Results - What are the key findings of your project? What has your project achieved? - 250 words
Demo Video:
Your video should be max 3 minutes long.
The purpose of the video is to demonstrate your project.