You will be able to contribute to our organization in different ways. Please consider joining our team in one of the following ways. If you want to just get involved to learn and do a project on AI or are looking for a mentor, please either sign up for one of our AI camps or contact us at
Tutor @ Community Academy
We are looking for high school and higher students who can help other students with lessons of Math and earn volunteer hours and experience certificates. Visit our Academy page for signing up.
Join our team (Student only)
Join our team and work alongside us click here to apply.
Blog Writer (Student only)
Learner (Student only)
Our AI Camp is full, you may email us at to stay informed for future learning opportunities. You may want to check out our AI Camps (occurs time to time, especially during the summer), Learn AI page for content or visit Community Academy to schedule a lesson.
As a mentor you'll be able to help a student with his/her AI-driven project. You'll also be able to teach concepts of AI/ML to students either virtually or at a local camp. Click Here to join
Partner (Student only)
If you are motivated to help other students in your school/community with AI driven projects, you are welcome to join us as our partner. We'll help you to conduct AI camps at your school/community. We will also help you to start an AI club at your school. Please share your plans and we'll reach out to you. Click Here to join.
Sponsor (Individual or Company)
Contribute to our causes by sponsoring an AI camp, event or club. Click here if you are interested.
duPont Manual AI Club Member (Manual HS Student)
Visit for more information. In addition to learning different concepts of Machine Learning, we plan to build projects and participate in AI competitions. If you are a student of duPont Manual High School at Louisville, KY and want to join the club, please sign up here. The teacher sponsor of this club is Mr. Lowber, duPont Manual's AP Statistics teacher.
Please consider helping us by just buying whatever you usually buy on Amazon or donate directly using PayPal. For details click here.